Club Projects

As a club the Deepings Lions get involved in many different projects, some are short events where we attend offer assistance (this can be financial, labour or a mix of both) and some are projects which carry a long lasting commitment.


Message in a Bottle is an ongoing project to provide a free way to tell emergency services about your medication should they visit you in your home and you are unable to communicate with them for whatever reason.

The Deepings Lions supply a container with a form inside which you fill in with any medical conditions you may have and any medication you are on, then place the bottle in your fridge.

The “bottle” also comes with stickers you put on or near your front door. This will alert emergency services that you participate in the scheme so they know to look in the fridge for the container.


A main aim for the Deepings Lions club is supporting local youth groups. This we feel one of the best ways of ensuring that youngsters grow up with the best chances of achieving their full potential. We help by supplying equipment that the clubs may not be able to afford themselves or by giving them the opportunity of trying new things that life may not normally afford them the opportunity of trying.

The Deepings Lions don’t only help the young. We have helped, among others, Age  Concern, Dementia Support South Lincs, The Red Cross, the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance and St Johns Ambulance. 

The Lions annual Duck Race raises funds for a different charity each year and makes a great family day out beside the Welland in Deeping St James. In 2024 we were able to give £2,000 each to Facial Palsy UK (a National charity based in Market Deeping) and Pancreatic Cancer UK (which is a charity close to our hearts since we lost one of our members to the disease).

At The Deepings Community Centre we have installed a sensory garden. This has features which were designed to be enjoyed especially by those with complex disabilities including the  deaf blind (Sense advised us on this), but which are fun for all children. The garden is open to all, but visits need to be booked with reception at the Centre.

In Douglas Road near the Centre we are in the process of turning a patch of waste ground into a wildflower site. There is nothing much to see in winter, but we had a good display in summer 2024 and we sowed extra seed in the autumn, so we are hopeful for the coming spring and summer.

There are always those in the community who for no fault of their own require some assistance to get back on their feet. We will help wherever we can with either a financial grant or some practical help.

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