Deeping Lions Short Story Competition Rules
- Entry to the competition is open to children who live in the Deepings and the surrounding area and who will be aged between 5-15 years on the 1 May 2020. Entry will be in two age categories (5-9 years and 10-15 years)
- Entrants must write a fictional story of no more than 500 words in length.
Please include the word count at the bottom of your entry and use 12 point font.
Entry is online at
Your entry must include the following information: your name, your address, your school, your age and permission to publish the story on The Deepings Lions Website and other associated materials
- All stories should be submitted in English
- Entry opens on 1 May 2020 and closes on 31 May 2020
- Only one entry per person is permitted and the story must be wholly written by the entrant only
- The story must be fictional on the following topics :
5-9 years: A Lion
10-15 years: The Environment - Entries must not contain defamatory, obscene, offensive or any other unsuitable material
- Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
– originality
– plot
– characterisation
– language
– enjoyment - The first round will be judged by The Deepings Lions and they will submit the top ten entries in each age category to local authors of childrens books who will then decide the First, Second and Third places in each age category
- Prizes of £40, £20 and £10 cash will be awarded in each age category. the prize winners will be announced on Deepings Lions Facebook page on 15 June 2020. Each entry also receives a certificate.Good luck and enjoy, Deepings Lions 🦁!
You can download the Rules by clicking on the link below.
Deeping Short Story Rules (2) (1)
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